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Parallelization tutorial

Training materials for parallelization with Python, R, Julia, MATLAB and C/C++, including use of the GPU with Python and Julia. See the top menu for pages specific to each language.

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Parallel processing in R

1 Overview

R provides a variety of functionality for parallelization, including threaded operations (linear algebra), parallel for loops and lapply-type statements, and parallelization across multiple machines. This material focuses on R’s future package, a flexible and powerful approach to parallelization in R.

2 Threading

Threading in R is limited to linear algebra, provided R is linked against a threaded BLAS.

2.1 What is the BLAS?

The BLAS is the library of basic linear algebra operations (written in Fortran or C). A fast BLAS can greatly speed up linear algebra relative to the default BLAS on a machine. Some fast BLAS libraries are

  • Intel’s MKL; may be available for educational use for free
  • OpenBLAS; open source and free
  • vecLib for Macs; provided with your Mac (both newer Apple Silicon and older Intel Macs)

In addition to being fast when used on a single core, all of these BLAS libraries are threaded - if your computer has multiple cores and there are free resources, your linear algebra will use multiple cores, provided your installed R is linked against the threaded BLAS installed on your machine.

You can use an optimized BLAS on your own machine(s).

2.2 Example syntax

Here’s some code that illustrates the speed of using a threaded BLAS:

library(RhpcBLASctl)  ## package that controls number of threads from within R

x <- matrix(rnorm(5000^2), 5000)

## Control number of threads from within R. See next section for details.
   x <- crossprod(x)
   U <- chol(x)

#   user  system elapsed 
# 14.104   5.403   6.752 

   x <- crossprod(x)
   U <- chol(x)

#   user  system elapsed 
# 12.393   0.055  12.344 

Here the elapsed time indicates that using four threads gave us a two times (2x) speedup in terms of real time, while the user time indicates that the threaded calculation took a bit more total processing time (combining time across all processors) because of the overhead of using multiple threads. So the threading helps, but it’s not the 4x linear speedup we would hope for.

2.3 Choosing the number of threads

In general, threaded code will detect the number of cores available on a machine and make use of them. However, you can also explicitly control the number of threads available to a process.

For most threaded code (that based on the openMP protocol), the number of threads can be set by setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable. Note that under some circumstances you may need to use VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS if on an Intel (older) Mac or MKL_NUM_THREADS if R is linked against MKL (which can be seen by running sessionInfo). For information relevant for newer Apple Silicon (M1 and M2) based Macs see below.

For example, to set it for four threads in bash:


Do this before starting your R or Python session or before running your compiled executable.

Alternatively, you can set OMP_NUM_THREADS as you invoke your job, e.g., here with R:

OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 R CMD BATCH --no-save job.R job.out

Finally, the R package, RhpcBLASctl, allows you to control the number of threads from within R, as already seen in the example in the previous subsection.

# now run your linear algebra

2.4 Fast linear algebra on Apple Silicon (M1 and M2) Macs

Note that newer Macs (Apple Silicon-based M1 and M2 Macs) also provide the Accelerate (vecLib) BLAS, but apparently they use the Mac’s AMX co-processor (details are hard to find online). This gives fast computation, but the calculations are not using the regular CPU cores and so one doesn’t choose the number of threads. In particular, VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS has no effect, and top shows only a single CPU in use. Rest assured that if you’ve configured R to use Accelerate (vecLib) BLAS, you should see very good performance.

3 Parallel loops (including parallel lapply) via the future package

All of the functionality discussed here applies only if the iterations/loops of your calculations can be done completely separately and do not depend on one another. This scenario is called an embarrassingly parallel computation. So coding up the evolution of a time series or a Markov chain is not possible using these tools. However, bootstrapping, random forests, simulation studies, cross-validation and many other statistical methods can be handled in this way.

One can easily parallelize lapply (or sapply) statements or parallelize for loops using the future package. Here’s we’ll just show the basic mechanics of using the future package. There’s much more detail in this SCF tutorial.

In Sections 3.1 and 3.2, we’ll parallelize across multiple cores on one machine. Section 3.3 shows how to use multiple machines.

3.1 Parallel lapply

Here we’ll parallelize an lapply operation. We need to call plan to set up the workers that will carry out the individual tasks (one for each element of the input list or vector) in parallel.

The multisession “plan” simply starts worker processes on the machine you are working on. You could skip the workers argument and the number of workers will equal the number of cores on your machine. Later we’ll see the use of the multicore and cluster “plans”, which set up the workers in a different way.

Here we parallelize leave-one-out cross-validation for a random forest model.

source('rf.R')  # loads in data (X and Y) and looFit()

## Set up four workers to run calculations in parallel
plan(multisession, workers = 4)

## Run the cross-validation in parallel, four tasks at a time on the four workers
  out <- future_lapply(seq_along(Y), looFit, Y, X, future.seed = TRUE)
#   user  system elapsed 
#  0.684   0.086  19.831 

## Side note: seq_along(Y) is a safe equivalent of 1:length(Y)

The use of future.seed ensures safe parallel random number generation as discussed in Section 5.

Here the low user time is because the time spent in the worker processes is not counted at the level of the overall master process that dispatches the workers.

Note that one can use plan without specifying the number of workers, in which case it will call parallelly::availableCores() and in general set the number of workers to a sensible value based on your system (and your scheduler allocation if your code is running on a cluster under a scheduler such as Slurm).

3.2 Parallel for loops

We can use the future package in combination with the foreach command to run a for loop in parallel. Of course this will only be valid if the iterations can be computed independently.

The syntax for foreach is a bit different than a standard for loop. Also note that the output for each iteration is simply the result of the last line in the { } body of the foreach statement.

Here’s the syntax when using newer (version 1.0.0 and later) versions of doFuture:

source('rf.R')  # loads in data (X and Y) and looFit()
## randomForest 4.7-1.1

## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
library(doFuture, quietly = TRUE)

plan(multisession, workers = 4)

## Toy example of using foreach+future
out <- foreach(i = seq_len(30)) %dofuture% {
## [[1]]
## [1] 1
## [[2]]
## [1] 1.5
## [[3]]
## [1] 2
## Replicate our cross-validation from future_lapply.

## Add option to ensure safe random number generation in parallel
## (discussed in Section 5)
out <- foreach(i = seq_along(Y), .combine = c,
       .options.future = list(seed = TRUE)) %dofuture% {
       looFit(i, Y, X)
##         1         2         3 
## 0.3151692 1.0207755 1.8871612

Prior to version 1.0.0 of doFuture, you’d do this:

source('rf.R')  # loads in data (X and Y) and looFit()
plan(multisession, workers = 4)

library(doFuture, quietly = TRUE)

## Toy example of using foreach+future
out <- foreach(i = seq_len(30)) %dopar% {

## Replicate our cross-validation from future_lapply.

## Use %dorng% instead of the standard %dopar% to safely
## generate random numbers in parallel (Section 5)
out <- foreach(i = seq_along(Y), .combine = c) %dorng% {
    looFit(i, Y, X)

Note that foreach also provides functionality for collecting and managing the results to avoid some of the bookkeeping you would need to do if writing your own standard for loop. The result of foreach will generally be a list, unless we request the results be combined in different way, as we do here using .combine = c to use c() to get a vector rather than a list.

You can debug by running serially using %do% rather than %dopar%. Note that you may need to load packages within the foreach construct to ensure a package is available to all of the calculations.

It is possible to use foreach to parallelize over nested loops. Suppose that the outer loop has too few tasks to effectively parallelize over and you also want to parallelize over the inner loop as well. Provided the calculations in each task (defined based on the pair of indexes from both loops) are independent of the other tasks, you can define two foreach loops, with the outer foreach using the %:% operator and the inner foreach using the usual %dopar% operator. More details can be found in this foreach vignette.

3.3 Avoiding copies on each worker

The future package automatically identifies the objects needed by your future-based code and makes copies of those objects once for each worker process (thankfully not once for each task).

If you’re working with large objects, making a copy of the objects for each of the worker processes can be a significant time cost and can greatly increase your memory use.

The multicore plan (not available on Windows or in RStudio) forks the main R process.

plan(multicore, workers = 4)

This creates R worker processes with the same state as the original R process.

  • Importantly, this means that global variables in the forked worker processes are just references to the objects in memory in the original R process.
  • So the additional processes do not use additional memory for those objects (despite what is shown in top as memory used by each process).
  • And there is no time involved in making copies.
  • However, if you modify objects in the worker processes then copies are made.
  • You can use these global variables in functions you call in parallel or pass the variables into functions as function arguments.

So, the take-home message is that using multicore on non-Windows machines can have a big advantage when working with large data objects.

3.4 Using multiple machines or cluster nodes

We can use the cluster plan to run workers across multiple machines.

If we know the names of the machines and can access them via password-less SSH (e.g., using ssh keys), then we can simply provide the names of the machines to create a cluster and use the ‘cluster’ plan.

Here we want to use two cores on one machine and two on another.

workers <- c(rep('', 2), rep('', 2))
plan(cluster, workers = workers)
# Now use parallel_lapply, foreach, etc. as before

If you are using the Slurm scheduler on a Linux cluster and in your sbatch or srun command you use --ntasks, then the following will allow you to use as many workers as the value of ntasks. One caveat is that one still needs to be able to access the various machines via password-less SSH.

# Now use parallel_lapply, parallel_sapply, foreach, etc. as before

Alternatively, you could set specify the workers manually. Here we use srun (note this is being done within our original sbatch or srun) to run hostname once per Slurm task, returning the name of the node the task is assigned to.

workers <- system('srun hostname', intern = TRUE)
plan(cluster, workers = workers)
# Now use parallel_lapply, parallel_sapply, foreach, etc. as before

In all cases, we can verify that the workers are running on the various nodes by checking the nodename of each of the workers:

tmp <- future_sapply(seq_len(nbrOfWorkers()), 
                cat("Worker running in process", Sys.getpid(),
                    "on",[['nodename']], "\n"))

4 Older alternatives to the future package for parallel loops/lapply

The future package allows you to do everything that one can do using older packages/functions such as mclapply, parLapply and foreach wit backends such as doParallel, doSNOW, doMPI. So my recommendation is just to use the future package. But here is some syntax for the older approaches.

As with calculations using the future package, all of the functionality discussed here applies only if the iterations/loops of your calculations can be done completely separately and do not depend on one another. This scenario is called an embarrassingly parallel computation. So coding up the evolution of a time series or a Markov chain is not possible using these tools. However, bootstrapping, random forests, simulation studies, cross-validation and many other statistical methods can be handled in this way.

4.1 Parallel lapply

Here are a couple of the ways to do a parallel lapply:

nCores <- 4  
cl <- makeCluster(nCores) 

# clusterExport(cl, c('x', 'y')) # if the processes need objects
# from master's workspace (not needed here as no global vars used)

# First approach: parLapply
result1 <- parLapply(cl, seq_along(Y), looFit, Y, X)
# Second approach: mclapply
result2 <- mclapply(seq_along(Y), looFit, Y, X)

4.2 Parallel for loops

And here’s how to use doParallel with foreach instead of doFuture.

library(doParallel)  # uses parallel package, a core R package

nCores <- 4  

out <- foreach(i = seq_along(Y)) %dopar% {
    looFit(i, Y, X)

4.3 Avoiding copies on each worker

Whether you need to explicitly load packages and export global variables from the main process to the parallelized worker processes depends on the details of how you are doing the parallelization.

Under several scenarios (but only on Linux and MacOS, not on Windows), packages and global variables in the main R process are automatically available to the worker tasks without any work on your part. These scenarios are

  • foreach with the doParallel backend,
  • parallel lapply (and related) statements when starting the cluster via makeForkCluster, instead of the usual makeCluster, and
  • use of mclapply.

This is because all of these approaches fork the original R process, thereby creating worker processes with the same state as the original R process. Interestingly, this means that global variables in the forked worker processes are just references to the objects in memory in the original R process. So the additional processes do not use additional memory for those objects (despite what is shown in top) and there is no time involved in making copies. However, if you modify objects in the worker processes then copies are made.

Caveat: with mclapply you can use a global variable in functions you call in parallel or pass the global variable in as an argument, in both cases without copying. However with parLapply and makeForkCluster, passing the global variable as an argument results in copies being made for some reason.

Importantly, because forking is not available on Windows, the above statements only apply on Linux and MacOS.

In contrast, with parallel lapply (and related) statements (but not foreach) when starting the cluster using the standard makeCluster (which sets up a so-called PSOCK cluster, starting the R worker processes via Rscript), one needs to load packages within the code that is executed in parallel. In addition one needs to use clusterExport to tell R which objects in the global environment should be available to the worker processes. This involves making as many copies of the objects as there are worker processes, so one can easily exceed the physical memory (RAM) on the machine if one has large objects, and the copying of large objects will take time.

4.4 Using multiple machines or cluster nodes

One can set up a cluster of workers across multiple nodes using parallel::makeCluster. Then one can use parLapply and foreach with that cluster of workers.

machines = c(rep("", 2), rep("", 2))

cl = makeCluster(machines, type = "SOCK")

# With parLapply or parSapply:

parSapply(cl, 1:5, function(i) return(mean(1:i)))
## [1] 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
# With foreach:
library(doSNOW, quietly = TRUE)
## Attaching package: 'snow'

## The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
##     clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
##     clusterExport, clusterMap, clusterSplit, makeCluster, parApply,
##     parCapply, parLapply, parRapply, parSapply, splitIndices,
##     stopCluster
# Now use foreach as usual

For foreach, we used the doSNOW backend. The doSNOW backend has the advantage over doMPI that it doesn’t need to have MPI installed on the system.

5 Parallel random number generation

The key thing when thinking about random numbers in a parallel context is that you want to avoid having the same ‘random’ numbers occur on multiple processes. On a computer, random numbers are not actually random but are generated as a sequence of pseudo-random numbers designed to mimic true random numbers. The sequence is finite (but very long) and eventually repeats itself. When one sets a seed, one is choosing a position in that sequence to start from. Subsequent random numbers are based on that subsequence. All random numbers can be generated from one or more random uniform numbers, so we can just think about a sequence of values between 0 and 1.

The worst thing that could happen is that one sets things up in such a way that every process is using the same sequence of random numbers. This could happen if you mistakenly set the same seed in each process, e.g., using set.seed(mySeed) in R on every process.

The naive approach is to use a different seed for each process. E.g., if your processes are numbered id = 1,2,...,p with a variable id that is unique to a process, setting the seed to be the value of id on each process. This is likely not to cause problems, but raises the danger that two (or more sequences) might overlap. For an algorithm with dependence on the full sequence, such as an MCMC, this probably won’t cause big problems (though you likely wouldn’t know if it did), but for something like simple simulation studies, some of your ‘independent’ samples could be exact replicates of a sample on another process. Given the period length of the default generators in R, this is actually quite unlikely, but it is a bit sloppy.

To avoid this problem, the key is to use an algorithm that ensures sequences that do not overlap.

In R, the rlecuyer package deals with this. The L’Ecuyer algorithm has a period of $2^{191}$, which it divides into subsequences of length $2^{127}$.

5.1 Parallel RNG and the future package

The future package integrates well with the L’Ecuyer parallel RNG approach, which guarantees non-overlapping random numbers. There is a good discussion about seeds for future_lapply and future_sapply in the help for those functions.

5.1.1 future_lapply

Here we can set a single seed. Behind the scenes the L’Ecuyer-CMRG RNG is used so that the random numbers generated for each iteration are independent. Note there is some overhead here when the number of iterations is large.

n <- 40
out1 <- future_sapply(1:n, function(i) rnorm(1), future.seed = TRUE)
out2 <- future_sapply(1:n, function(i) rnorm(1), future.seed = TRUE)
identical(out1, out2)
## [1] TRUE

Basically future_lapply pregenerates a seed for each iteration using parallel:::nextRNGStream, which uses the L’Ecuyer algorithm. See more details here.

I could also have set future.seed to a numeric value, instead of setting the seed using set.seed, to make the generated results reproducible.

5.1.2 foreach

When using %dofuture%, you can simply include .options.future = list(seed = TRUE) to ensure parallel RNG is done safely (shown in Section 3.2). If you forget and have RNG in your parallelized code, doFuture will warn you.

Before version 1.0.0 of doFuture, one would need to use the %doRNG% operator with foreach to ensure correct RNG with foreach (also seen in Section 3.2).

5.2 Parallel RNG with alternatives to the future package

5.2.1 Parallel lapply style statements

Here’s how you initialize independent sequences on different processes when using the parallel package’s parallel lapply functionality.

nCores <- 4
cl <- makeCluster(nCores)
iseed <- 1
clusterSetRNGStream(cl = cl, iseed = iseed)
## Now proceed with your parLapply, using the `cl` object

With mclapply you can set the argument mc.set.seed = TRUE, which is the default. This will give different seeds for each process, but for safety, you should choose the L’Ecuyer algorithm via RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") before running mclapply.

5.2.2 foreach

For foreach, you can use registerDoRNG:

registerDoRNG(seed = 1)
## Now use foreach with %dopar%

5.2.3 mclapply

When using mclapply, you can use the mc.set.seed argument as follows (note that mc.set.seed is TRUE by default, so you should get different seeds for the different processes by default), but one needs to invoke RNGkind("L'Ecuyer-CMRG") to get independent streams via the L’Ecuyer algorithm.

res <- mclapply(seq_len(Y), looFit, Y, X, mc.cores = 4, 
    mc.set.seed = TRUE) 

6 The partools package

partools is a package developed by Norm Matloff at UC-Davis. He has the perspective that Spark/Hadoop are not the right tools in many cases when doing statistics-related work and has developed some simple tools for parallelizing computation across multiple nodes, also referred to as Snowdoop. The tools make use of the key idea in Spark/Hadoop of a distributed file system and distributed data objects but avoid the complications of trying to ensure fault tolerance, which is critical only on very large clusters of machines.

I won’t go into details, but partools allows you to split up your data across multiple nodes and then read the data into R in parallel across R sessions running on those nodes, all controlled from a single master R session. You can then do operations on the subsets and gather results back to the master session as needed. One point that confused me in the partools vignette is that it shows how to split up a dataset that you can read into your R session, but it’s not clear what one does if the dataset is too big to read into a single R session.