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Debugging in R tutorial

Training materials for debugging in R.

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How to use R’s debugging tools, handle errors, and avoid bugs

1 This tutorial

This tutorial covers R’s debugging tools, as well as strategies and tools for catching and avoiding errors.

A screencast that demonstrates the use of R’s interactive debugging tools on a specific example accompanies this document. The screencast uses a virtual machine developed a number of years ago. You should be able to follow it using R on your own computer.

This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of R.

Materials for this tutorial, including the R markdown file and associated code files that were used to create this document are available on GitHub.

2 Basic debugging strategies

Here we’ll discuss some basic strategies for finding and fixing bugs. Other useful locations for tips on debugging include:

Read and think about the error message. Sometimes it’s inscrutable, but often it just needs a bit of deciphering. Looking up a given error message by simply doing a web search with the exact message in double quotes can be a good strategy, or you could look specifically on Stack Overflow.

Fix errors from the top down - fix the first error that is reported, because later errors are often caused by the initial error. It’s common to have a string of many errors, which looks daunting, caused by a single initial error.

Below we’ll see how one can view the stack trace. Usually when an error occurs, it occurs in a function call that is nested in a series of function calls. This series of calls is the call stack and the stack trace shows that series of calls that led to the error. To debug, you’ll often need to focus on the function being executed at the time the error occurred (which will be at the top of the call stack) and the arguments passed into that function. However, if the error occurs in a function you didn’t write, the problem will often be with the arguments that your code provided at the last point in the call stack at which code that you wrote was run. Check the arguments that your code passed into that first function that is not a function of yours.

Is the bug reproducible - does it always happen in the same way at at the same point? It can help to restart R and see if the bug persists - this can sometimes help in figuring out if there is a scoping issue and we are using a global variable that we did not mean to.

If you can’t figure out where the error occurs based on the error messages, a basic strategy is to build up code in pieces (or tear it back in pieces to a simpler version). This allows you to isolate where the error is occurring. You might use a binary search strategy. Figure out which half of the code the error occurs in. Then split the ‘bad’ half in half and figure out which half the error occurs in. Repeat until you’ve isolated the problem.

If you’ve written your code modularly with lots of functions, you can test individual functions. Often the error will be in what gets passed into and out of each function.

You can have warnings printed as they occurred, rather than saved, using options(warn = 1). This can help figure out where in a loop a warning is being generated. You can also have R convert warnings to error using options(warn = 2).

At the beginning of time (the 1970s?), the standard debugging strategy was to insert print statements in one’s code to see the value of a variable and thereby decipher what could be going wrong. We have better tools nowadays. But sometimes we still need to fall back to inserting print statements.

R is a scripting language, so you can usually run your code line by line to figure out what is happening. This can be a decent approach, particularly for simple code. However, when you are trying to find errors that occur within a series of many nested function calls or when the errors involve variable scoping (how R looks for variables that are not local to a function), or in other complicated situations, using formal debugging tools can be much more effective. Finally, if the error occurs inside of functions provided by R, rather than ones you write, it can be hard to run the code in those functions line by line.

3 R’s interactive debugging tools

This section gives an overview of the various debugging tools. In the screencast, you’ll see a live demonstration of using the tools in the context of a real (albeit rather simple) example.

Note that RStudio wraps all of functionality of these tools in its graphical interface, so you can use all the tools there, but the tools will be provided with some additional graphical functionality from RStudio.

Hadley Wickham’s book on Advanced R has a very good chapter on debugging, covering much of the same material as in this section, but with a focus on how the R debugger works within RStudio. I highly recomend working through his material in conjunction with this tutorial.

3.1 Interactive debugging via the browser

The core strategy for interactive debugging is to use the browser function, which pauses the current execution, and provides an interpreter, allowing you to view the current state of R. You can invoke browser in four ways

Once in the browser, you can execute any R commands you want. In particular, using ls to look at the objects residing in the current function environment, looking at the values of objects, and examining the classes of objects is often helpful.

3.2 Using debug to step through code

To step through a function, use debug(nameOfFunction). Then run your code. When the function is executed, R will pause execution just before the first line of the function. You are now using the browser and can examine the state of R and execute R statements.

Once in the browser context, you can use the following special debugger commands:

To unflag the function so that calling it doesn’t invoke debug, use undebug(nameOfFunction). In addition to working with functions you write you can use debug with standard R functions and functions from packages. For example you could do debug(glm).

If you know you only want to run the function once in debugging mode (to avoid having to use undebug), use debugonce(nameOfFunction).

3.3 Tracing errors in the call stack

traceback and recover allow you to see the call stack at the time of the error - i.e., they will show you all the functions that have been called, in the order called. This helps pinpoint where in a series of function calls the error may be occurring.

If you’ve run the code and gotten an error, you can invoke traceback() after things have gone awry. R will show you the call stack, which can help pinpoint where an error is occurring. Here’s the traceback from the example discussed later on.

> traceback()
6: stop(simpleError(msg, call = if (p <- sys.parent(1L))
5: stopifnot(is.atomic(x))
4: FUN(newX[, i], ...)
3: apply(estimates, 2, var) at #2
2: calc_var(jack_estimates) at #9
1: gamma_jackknife(cats$Hwt)

gamma_jackknife(cats$Hwt) while stop() was (not surprisingly) the function that was called most recently (the function at the top of the call stack).

More helpful is to be able to browse within the call stack. To do this invoke options(error = recover) (potentially in your .Rprofile if you do a lot of programming). Then when an error occurs, recover gets called, usually from the function in which the error occurred. The call to recover allows you to navigate the stack of active function calls at the time of the error and browse within the desired call. You just enter the number of the call you’d like to enter (or 0 to exit). You can then look around in the frame of a given function, entering when you want to return to the list of calls again.

Here’s what happens in the example discussed later on. Notice the call stack is shown in reverse order relative to what we saw just above with traceback().

> gamma_jackknife(cats$Hwt)
Error in FUN(newX[, i], ...) : is.atomic(x) is not TRUE

Enter a frame number, or 0 to exit   

1: gamma_jackknife(cats$Hwt)
2: #9: calc_var(jack_estimates)
3: #2: apply(estimates, 2, var)
4: FUN(newX[, i], ...)
5: stopifnot(is.atomic(x))


In this case we would probably want to select ‘2’ to get into the frame of the calc_var function, which is the last function that we wrote before calling existing R functions. We could then examine the information in the estimates data structure, as the problem likely occurs there, since that is the argument passed into the first R function we did not write, namely apply.

You can also combine this with options(warn = 2), which turns warnings into errors to get to the point where a warning was issued.

3.4 Using trace to temporarily insert code

trace lets you temporarily insert code into a function (including standard R functions and functions in packages!) that can then be easily removed. You can use trace in a variety of ways.

The most flexible way to use trace is to use the argument edit = TRUE and then insert whatever code you want wherever you want in the function given as the first argument to trace. If I want to ensure I use a particular editor, such as emacs, I can use the argument edit = “emacs”. A standard approach would be to add a line with browser() at some point in the function to be able to step through the code from that point.

You can also use trace without directly editing the function. Here are a couple examples:

You call untrace, e.g., untrace(lm), to remove the temporarily inserted code; otherwise it’s removed when the session ends.

To figure out why warnings are being issued, you can do trace(warning, recover) which will insert a call to recover whenever warning is called.

Of course you can manually change the code in a function without using trace, but it’s very easy to forget to change things back (and a pain to remember exactly what you changed) and hard to do this with functions in packages, so trace is a nice way to do things.

3.5 Live demonstration

The live demonstration concerns the following code, which uses the jackknife (a method related to the bootstrap) to try to estimate standard errors for parameter estimates for some data on cat heart weights. The details of what the code is trying to do are not critical for our purposes here.

Here is the code, consisting of three functions, with gamma_jackknife being the top-level function called by the user. When we try to run this code it gives a not-very-helpful error message. There are two reasons it is not helpful. First, the message itself is indirect in that it says something is not atomic, which is hard to interpret unless you have a bit of detailed knowledge about R’s variable types. Second, the error message does not indicate in which of the user-defined functions the error occurs.

library(MASS) # provides `cats` data

gamma_est <- function(data) {
  # this fits a gamma distribution to a collection of numbers
  m <- mean(data)
  v <- var(data)
  s <- v/m
  a <- m/s

calc_var <- function(estimates){
  var_of_ests <- apply(estimates, 2, var)

gamma_jackknife <- function(data) {
  ## jackknife the estimation
  n <- length(data)
  jack_estimates = gamma_est(data[-1])
  for (omitted_point in 2:n) {
    jack_estimates = rbind(jack_estimates, gamma_est(data[-omitted_point]))
  jack_var = calc_var(jack_estimates)

# jackknife gamma dist. estimates of cat heart weights
## Error in FUN(newX[, i], ...) : is.atomic(x) is not TRUE

See the screencast for how to use traceback, options(error = recover), debug, and trace to figure out the problem.

3.6 Debugging R6 and ReferenceClass methods

To debug an R6 method, you can call the debug method of the class on the method you want to debug:

## now run the method
## to unset the debugger

To debug a ReferenceClass method, you can call the trace method of the class on the method you want to debug:

myClass$trace("method_name", browser)
## now run the method
## to unset the debugger

4 Some common causes of bugs

Some of these are R-specific, while others are common to a variety of languages.

5 Tips for avoiding bugs and catching errors

5.1 Practice defensive programming

When writing functions, and software more generally, you’ll want to warn the user or stop execution when there is an error and exit gracefully, giving the user some idea of what happened. Here are some things to consider:

The warning and stop functions allow you to do stop execution and issue warnings or errors in the same way that base R code does; in general they would be called based on an if statement. More succinctly, to stop code if a condition is not satisfied, you can use stopifnot. This allow you to catch errors that can be anticipated. I also recommend using some of R’s packages for doing such checks, such as assertthat, assertr, and checkmate.

Here’s an example of building a robust square root function using stop and warning. Note you could use stopifnot(is.numeric(x)) or assert_that(is.numeric(x)) in place of one of the checks here.

mysqrt <- function(x) {
    if (is.list(x)) {
        warning("x is a list; converting to a vector")
        x <- unlist(x)
    if (!is.numeric(x)) {
        stop("What is the square root of 'bob'?")
        ## alternatively: stopifnot(is.numeric(x))
    } else {
        if (any(x < 0)) {
            warning("mysqrt: found negative values; proceeding anyway")
            x[x >= 0] <- (x[x >= 0])^(1/2)
            x[x < 0] <- NaN
        } else return(x^(1/2))
mysqrt(c(1, 2, 3))
## [1] 1.000000 1.414214 1.732051
mysqrt(c(5, -7))
## Warning in mysqrt(c(5, -7)): mysqrt: found negative values; proceeding anyway

## [1] 2.236068      NaN
try(mysqrt(c("asdf", "sdf")))
## Error in mysqrt(c("asdf", "sdf")) : What is the square root of 'bob'?
try(mysqrt(list(5, 3, "ab")))
## Warning in mysqrt(list(5, 3, "ab")): x is a list; converting to a vector

## Error in mysqrt(list(5, 3, "ab")) : What is the square root of 'bob'?

5.2 Catch run-time errors with try statements

Also, sometimes a function you call will fail, but you want to continue execution. For example, suppose you are doing a stratified analysis in which you take subsets of your data based on some categorical variable and fit a statistical model for each value of the categorical variable. If some of the subsets have no or very few observations, the statistical model fitting might fail. To do this, you might be using a for loop or lapply. You want your code to continue and fit the model for the rest of the cases even if one (or more) of the cases cannot be fit. You can wrap the function call that may fail within the try function (or tryCatch) and then your code won’t stop, even when an error occurs. Here’s a toy example.

nCats <- 30
n <- 100
y <- rnorm(n)
x <- rnorm(n)
cats <- sample(1:nCats, n, replace = TRUE)
data <- data.frame(y, x, cats)

params <- matrix(NA, nr = nCats, nc = 2)
for(i in 1:nCats){
    sub <- data[data$cats == i, ] 
    fit <- try(
        lm(y ~ x, data = sub) )
    if(!is(fit, "try-error")) 
        params[i, ] = fit$coef
## Error in, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) : 
##   0 (non-NA) cases
##                [,1]        [,2]
##  [1,] -0.4358199953  0.27748127
##  [2,]  1.1581183671  0.80912437
##  [3,] -0.3554216408  0.47883210
##  [4,]  0.1557150115  0.48844740
##  [5,]  1.3686786299 -0.93914607
##  [6,] -0.4253189229  0.83353130
##  [7,]  1.4554922258  1.70845976
##  [8,] -0.3658129573 -0.06813899
##  [9,]  0.0301244577 -0.08146689
## [10,] -0.4686109164 -2.05689759
## [11,]  2.2806852741 -1.66464111
## [12,]  0.2221364736  0.35794243
## [13,]  0.2072138141  0.83705334
## [14,] -0.2273286914          NA
## [15,]            NA          NA
## [16,]  0.5851340251 -0.67609092
## [17,] -0.4604747167 -0.12513299
## [18,]  1.7525542597  2.46613921
## [19,]  0.5986682621 -0.10533300
## [20,]  0.0341767117  0.16544258
## [21,]  0.4234918160 -0.25409147
## [22,] -0.6337088930 -2.37384473
## [23,] -0.3153278059  0.26485741
## [24,] -0.0008991281  1.39578005
## [25,]  0.0091840186  0.04655760
## [26,]  0.8239709421  0.41607748
## [27,] 14.0124163710 -6.91639295
## [28,]  0.2046168245 -0.42460241
## [29,] -0.5619773029 -0.82265332
## [30,] -0.9483964596  0.83635071

The seventh stratum had no observations, so that call to lm failed, but the loop continued because we ‘caught’ the error with try. In this example, we could have checked the sample size for the subset before doing the regression, but in other contexts, we may not have an easy way to check in advance whether the function call will fail.

5.3 Maintain dimensionality

R (usually helpfully) drops matrix and array dimensions that are extraneous. This can sometimes confuse later code that expects an object of a certain dimension. The [ operator takes an additional optional argument that can avoid dropping dimensions.

mat <- matrix(1:4, 2, 2)
dim(mat); print(mat)
## [1] 2 2

##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]    1    3
## [2,]    2    4
## [1] 3 7
rowSubset <- 1
mat2 <- mat[rowSubset, ]
## Error in colSums(mat2) : 'x' must be an array of at least two dimensions
mat2 <- mat[rowSubset, , drop = FALSE]
## [1] 3 7

In this simple case it’s obvious that a dimension will be dropped, but in more complicated settings, this can easily occur for some inputs without the coder realizing that it may happen. Not dropping dimensions is much easier than putting checks in to see if dimensions have been dropped and having the code behave differently depending on the dimensionality.

5.4 Find and avoid global variables

In general, using global variables (variables that are not created or passed into a function) results in code that is not robust. Results will change if you or a user modifies that global variable, usually without realizing/remembering that a function depends on it.

One ad hoc strategy is to remove objects you don’t need from R’s global environment, to avoid accidentally using values from an old object via R’s scoping rules.

To be more systematic, the codetools library has some useful tools for checking code, including a function, findGlobals, that let’s you look for the use of global variables

f <- function(z) {y <- 3; print(x + y + z)}
## [1] "{"     "+"     "<-"    "print" "x"
# let's see the globals used in lm
##  [1] "-"              "!"              "!="             ".getXlevels"   
##  [5] "["              "[[<-"           "{"              "*"             
##  [9] "&&"             "<-"             "=="             "$<-"           
## [13] "as.vector"      "attr"           "c"              "class<-"       
## [17] "eval"           "gettextf"       "if"             "is.empty.model"
## [21] "is.matrix"      "is.null"        "is.numeric"     "length"        
## [25] "list"

Note that some use of globals to find base R functions is unavoidable. But we can easily see that f makes use of x as a global variable. This is of course particularly helpful for more complicated functions that use many variables.

5.5 Miscellaneous tips

6 How to get help online

6.1 Mailing lists and online forums

There are several mailing lists that have lots of useful postings. In general if you have an error, others have already posted about it.

Note: of course the various mailing lists are also helpful for figuring out how to do things, not just for fixing bugs. For example, this blog post has a guide to R based simply on Stack Overflow posts.

6.2 Asking questions online

If you’ve searched the archive and haven’t found an answer to your problem, you can often get help by posting to the R-help mailing list or one of the other lists mentioned above. A few guidelines (generally relevant when posting to mailing lists beyond just the R lists):

The R mailing lists are a way to get free advice from the experts, who include some of the world’s most knowledgeable R experts - seriously - members of the R core development team contribute frequently. The cost is that you should do your homework and that sometimes the responses you get might be blunt, along the lines of “read the manual”. I think it’s a pretty good tradeoff - where else do you get the foremost experts in a domain actually helping you?